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Hello, sorry for the bother once again. Well, essentially I was trying to visit this blog: g1dbteamblogs.blogspot.com. Now, until a couple of months ago never really had issues accessing it, but today when tried to visit it was blocked by Browser Guard due to potential Malware activity. My first thought was that after recent updates, the Browser started detecting something that the blog site always may have had, but no other users seem to have problems with the blog in the forum where the link for the blog was shared (be it weird activity with their Antivirus or mentioning malware or anything).

I thought it was better to ask directly if the site is safe and this is a false positive or indeed there's something to be aware of in it.

As always, thanks in advance!

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Ah, bummer, there's an important detail I completely missed at first: the specific reason why Browser Guard blocks the sites is because it has a Trojan. Or at least that's what it's warning about. My bad, I read more carefully the warning. 

I planned to add it to the title and edit the first post, BTW. Though I couldn't find an option to edit my posts, hence the double posting. My apologies.

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