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6 minutes ago, samtewksbury said:


Our entire domain (phdcon.com) has been blocked by Browser Guard.   Can you please remove us from the blacklist?


--Sam Tewksbury

Hello- These detections need to be cleared up before we consider disabling the block: VirusTotal - URL - 389ec5cde8de8a159335608b70851c251e20fe3cec3f4cff1d1e92db3e247f84

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Thank you for the response.

The URL listed on VirusTotal is a login page for a web-based email portal used by our customers.  I am assuming that one or more of our customers has received spam or phishing emails and that's what has caused those vendors to flag the site.  The site itself is hosted by a third-party company.

Can you give me any advice (or point me to a help article) on dealing with this?  If we permanently remove that URL, will that be enough for you to remove the block?

Thanks again,

--Sam Tewksbury

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