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Lenovo Forums Block FP?


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I can access that specific image with Chrome and Edge (did not try Firefox).  Please provide information about the specific forum search/access you did that resulted in that block.  Also, please get the Browser Guard log and attach it to this thread (you must ZIP it up first).

Where (as vaguely as you feel necessary to describe) are you located?  If a CDN is involved, it may be geo-specific.

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I am in the US and was unable to reach the forums yesterday and early today because of that Browser Guard block on the .png:
I access the site from an Edge Favorite and from Outlook.com subscription notifications.
Browser Guard flashed the warning page the first time I tried today and on the second attempt stopped blocking.
It seems to be ok for now.

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Based on your locale, you would likely use the same CDN IPs that I would.  I do not get any block at all.  If it cleared up for you, that's a good sign.  The fact that it appeared at all makes the whole scenario questionable though.  If you do receive that block again, please stop immediately and collect logs.  The reason I say to do that immediately is that Browser Guard logs get huge fast. Its easier for both of us that way.

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