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Hello @bigfootiefan76:

Because the ucdsoccer.com website is considered seriously outdated by many, you might consider passing to your friend that the website administrator schedule more frequent website security audits and act based on their results:





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1 hour ago, 1PW said:

Hello @bigfootiefan76:

Because the ucdsoccer.com website is considered seriously outdated by many, you might consider passing to your friend that the website administrator schedule more frequent website security audits and act based on their results:





I will let them know, that site has always been a bit of a piece of junk but if its a potential security risk in the future I'll stress the importance of it, just to clarify I shouldn't be worried about Malware or the like from the website right?

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Hello @bigfootiefan76:

Due to the ongoing and reported remarkably elevated security shortcomings of that website, coupled with the site's embedded hotlinks to the websites of others beyond your control, plus any thoroughly unqualified assurances any may have implied, any such so-called assurances you seek and imagine from my posts would be null and void before they were read.

Good luck and cheers.

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