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i just updated to AE build 615 and noticed Acrobat Reader does not start, complaining about AppContainer and Protected Mode (if i disable both, Reader starts).

As well Tor browser hangs after start with empty window and same with Firefox browser, all latest versions.

Chrome works.

After i stop protection in MBAE, all works, incl. acrobat and firefox.

Could you please advise.



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bonjour, même problème avec firefox (avec about:config personnalisé); la solution rapidement trouvée: dans mbae/settings, désactiver "detect penetration testing attacks" et firefox démarre au quart de tour ;)

pour adobe pdf? aucune idée: virer depuis longtemps, firefox fait le job aussi bien...


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I have working Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 systems and Firefox ESR 78.15.0 works decently on them all.

The advent of MBAE has caused one very odd behaviour which is that it cripples BitDefender Free (both Windows 8.1 and 10).  The system tray BD icon turns grey and Windows complains that the antivirus is not running. The previous MBAE version did not do this.  Isn't that a clue to the cause of the problem with MBAE

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On 10/8/2021 at 10:28 AM, hake said:

No problems with Firefox ESR

Actually THERE IS PROBLEM: with latest 91.2.0esr, Opera, Waterfox etc.

Disabling of shields for those browsers does helps, but we want from MBAE to work in another way.

IT`s an epic fail, Malwarebytes! Do something.

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