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Can I just first ask if theres a better place to post single file detections from other programs/sites? I'm mostly concerned and only need someone who is better at this to check the file to determine if its safe. Please move this thread if its wrong and tell me so i can do so next time.

I may be very paranoid this time but I just got so blown away that it even got detected in the first place, mostly these files are for a game and were always marked as clean, even bigger files than this.

Its one detection on virustotal and I know, its not that concerning normally but I guess since every other file seemed fine, this just really catched me off guard, I even tried to check it myself, its actually a packed file with more stuff in it but it really only contains very basic coding, doom image files, audio and map files, at least from what I have seen but then again I lose focus a lot.


Theres a program called "Slade" which I used to check this file, its made for doom modding so I don't know if it shows every possible file or if you can hide stuff in there.

Thanks, and sorry for being paranoid.


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