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I am using Windows 11 Beta (Build 22000.194) and my system has crashed twice in the past two days from mwac.sys with the bug check string being "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"

The solution I came up with for the time being was to turn off web protection. Here is MBST log, along with the two minidump logs

Any help with this I'll be grateful for.


mbst-grab-results.zip Minidump.zip

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6 hours ago, Porthos said:

I see 2 things on the logs that can be the issue.

Your Killer network drivers Be sure you have the latest drivers.

Glasswire. It is my main concern.

I would also suggest uninstalling Bonjour.


Hello thank you for replying

I will not be removing Bonjour because I have an iPhone so I kinda need it.

I use Glasswire to monitor my data usage, none of the firewall features are off. Still curious if that would effect the Web Security though.

Killer Network Drivers are as fully updated as they can be, I will push and try to use the beta drivers though.

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1 hour ago, chr1so7 said:

none of the firewall features are off.

Did you mean on?

1 hour ago, chr1so7 said:

Still curious if that would effect the Web Security though.

From my quick research, Glasswire uses the same WFP filters that the Windows firewall does and so does Malwarebytes web protection hence the possible conflict.


1 hour ago, chr1so7 said:

I will not be removing Bonjour

That is fine, I just saw several errors in your log relating to it.

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  • Root Admin
3 hours ago, chr1so7 said:


I will not be removing Bonjour because I have an iPhone so I kinda need it.


You do not need Bonjour due to using an iPhone

About the only thing you would need it for is if you're connecting an Apple TV to your computer.

I know I'm a bit overboard but I really wish Apple would do away with Bonjour or go back to the drawing board and rewrite the program from scratch. It is probably the noisiest, worst discovery product on  any computer.


What exactly is mDNSResponder.exe? (Bonjour)


MDNSResponder, also known as Bonjour, is Apple’s native zero-configuration networking process for Mac that was ported over to Windows and associated with MDNSNSP.DLL.  On a Mac or iOS device, this program is used for networking nearly everything.  On Windows, this process is only necessary for sharing libraries via iTunes and other Mac applications like the Apple TV that were ported to Windows.  Bonjour allows different computers running iTunes to communicate with each other regardless of network configuration, this is because it enables automatic network discovery. Which is a huge waste and creates an immense amount of undesirable noise on your network.

What Is mDNSResponder.exe / Bonjour and How Can I Uninstall or Remove It?


I have been removing it from my computers for years and have had zero issues. iTunes still runs just fine. The iPhone still connects via USB without issue.


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