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Dear MalwareBytes team,

I recently coded a Savegame Editor for the game Valheim and finally found the courage to release it to public.
The website I'm offering this editor is scanning all files on VirusTotal. In case of a match, the file won't be released and I have to contact the staff everytime I push an update.
Since I have absolutely no clue what code could cause this I would like to ask you if you could do anything to whitelist these files.

I will attach both versions I released so far, both gets flagged.

Thanks a lot in advance and have I nice weekend.
Feel free to contact me in case you need any information.

With best regards


VPE_100.zip VPE_101.zip

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear MalwareBytes team,

I have to reach out to you once again.

I was monitoring this for two weeks and there was still no change on VirusTotal. Since you told me that there's a problem on VirusTotal I contacted them and asked for help.
Today I've got the following reply

We have checked and we are not aware of any problems on our side. If it's still listed as malware in our results it's because the AV vendor hasn't sent us updated results. Once they send us updated results, the information is automatically updated in VirusTotal.

Please contact the AV vendor and let them know that they have to send updated results to VirusTotal.

Would you please be so kind to recheck it?
Do you also could tell me what I can do to avoid dectection by your scanner in the future? Is there a chance that when I update my application it will get flagged again?

Thanks a lot in advance.
Have a nice evening.

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  • Staff

These are not detected by our client. It only shows detections on virustotal. This has nothing to do with sending them anything it has to do with virustotal reaching our cloud to get the latest status of the file. Sometimes it works fine and sometimes it doesnt reach it on certain files.  We have been working with them for months on this and have yet to find a resolution. 




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