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I am kindly asking for assistance to remove an unknown .Bering folder from my Android phone downloads location.

The folder contains what I believe are SQLite database files.

I have deleted it on several occasions but it reappears again after a few days.

Over the weekend, I connected the phone to my computer and deleted it but it reappeared again yesterday.

I use the free version of Malwarebytes but scans do not detect any malware.

All my apps and Android are up to date.

The phone is a Tecno Camon 12 Air.

I will attach some screenshots.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.


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Hi @Tekz,

This is most likely being created and used by an app installed on your mobile device.  It's not necessarily malicious.  If you want to send an Apps Report, we can try to figure out which app may be creating the folder.

To send an Apps Report with Malwarebytes for Android use the following instructions.

  1. Open the Malwarebytes for Android app.
  2. Tap the Menu icon.
  3. Tap Your apps.
  4. Tap three lines icon in upper right corner.
  5. Tap Send to support

Choose an email app to send Apps Report.

Your email app will open with the Apps Report included.

At this point, it would be very helpful to mention you are submitting via recommendation from the Malwarebytes forum.  This allows our support staff to know where to direct it.

By sending the Apps Report, you will create a ticket in our support system.

Private Message (PM) me the email used and/or the ticket number assigned.


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