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I have noticed when I clear 'all time' cache and cookies for my Edge browser, that CCleaner shows a 'Profile 4', and yet the one I use is called Profile 2.  I have tried to include screenshots to better explain what I am seeing.  My browser shows I have 324mb of cache and 59 cookies right, yet ccleaner shows much larger cache and double the of cookies.  Many of these files remain after I clear all from all time in Edge.  I have seen this Edge cache in ccleaner go as high as 2gb.  Also this same thing was happening back when I used regular Chrome browser, and was happening before a fresh install of windows.  Please view attached screenshots -


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I have included a log of the remaining cache files after I clear everything from all time through the browser.  I am able to clear all MY profile 2 stuff, yet a profile 4 has weird entries like service worker and stuff seen in above screenshots.  The profile 4 stuff is not me.


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  • Root Admin

Hello @GANI482

Let me first suggest that you consider removing CCleaner, most computer experts no longer recommend that use of this program.


You can review your Profiles from this entry. On the address bar type this in or copy/paste


Perhaps you have some type of automation enabled for profiles?


Take a look at these settings



You can also setup auto cleaning of a lot of the data.




Here is an example of my MS Edge (which I rarely clean on purpose for testing)



As you can see there is very little data outside of the profile.


I don't have a second profile and if you don't want one then I'd think deleting it from within MS Edge should work. Then close MS Edge and manually delete the entire Profile 4 entry.

The following 3 folder appear to contain the vast majority of data in the profile.

  • Service Worker
  • Cache
  • Code Cache





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