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Multiple Abuse Warnings in an Excel file (xlsm) I have written

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I have been banging my head until I actually found this forum. 

Excel was crashing every time I tried to open it. After reading other topics, I disabled features of "Application Behavior Protection" for MS Office. I had to disable 3 features until it could actually open.

1. Office spawning batch command prevention

2. Office VBA7 abuse prevention

3. Office VBE7 abuse prevention

I wonder what else I will encounter if I try everything. And I wasn't even wanting to work on the file. Just wanted to see how I tackled a similar problem as I was trying to help someone on MrExcel forums. I would be totally unaware otherwise, and was planning to show it to some people in a day or two. What a mess it would be... 

Even though the problem is averted for now, I, as some others, would not like to give up on security and would like to suggest that:

We get an exception list for Office files that we trust, by-passing these abuse prevention detections when they originate from the whitelisted files. It would be even better if the pop-up actually had an "add to exclusion/whitelist" button if possible.

If you still wish additional info I will provide. You can also find the installer (a self-extracting 7z exe) on GitHub (LazyD Charter). Not relevant at the moment (maybe if I test those features they will be), but I use a few AutoIT executable scripts to make the xlsm work as well, and everything is there including the source code of the scripts.



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