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[Missing translation]: italian translation v. 4.4.6

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Description: When i've update at the last version of the software, i've see these missing translation into italian language.  I click on the "options"   and i click on the "General- Settings" i've see this first missing translation (Screenshot 1)

If i click on the "Notification", i've this option called as Scan Reminder, have a missing translation into italian language (Screenshot 2)

If i click on the "Security" i've this option called as "Brute Force Protection" , in this case there are some missing translation (Screenshot 3, Screenshot 4)

If i click on the "Security Advisor" button at the top-right side, the software shows these missing translation into italian language (Screenshot 5).

Step by Step:

1)I start this software on the my computer

2)I click on the "Options" and i click  on the "General- Settings" i've see this first missing translation (Screenshot 1)

3)If i click on the "Notification", i've this option called as Scan Reminder, have a missing translation into italian language (Screenshot 2)

4)If i click on the "Security" i've this option called as "Brute Force Protection" , in this case there are some missing translation (Screenshot 3, Screenshot 4)

5)If i click on the "Security Advisor" button at the top-right side, the software shows these missing translation into italian language (Screenshot 5).

1.a)Missing translation:Tamper Protection

My italian translation:Protezione Antisabotaggio

1.1.a)Missing translation:Limit who can change your Malwarebytes security settings

My italian translation:Limita chi può modificare le impostazioni di sicurezza di Malwarebytes

1.b)Missing translation:Scan Reminder

My italian translation:Promemoria scansione

1.1.b)Missing translation:Get notified when a scan hasn’t been run after a specified number of days

My italian translation: Ricevi una notifica quando una scansione non è stata eseguita dopo un determinato numero di giorni

1.2.b)Missing translation:Notify me after

My italian translation:Notificami dopo

1.2.1.b)Missing translation: “1 day

My italian translation: “1 giorno

1.2.2.b)Missing translation: “3 Days

My italian translation: “3 Giorni

1.2.3.b)Missing translation: “7 Days

My italian translation: “7 Giorni

1.2.4.b)Missing translation: “14 Days

My italian translation: “14 Giorni

1.2.5.b)Missing translation: “30 Days

My italian translation: “30 Giorni

1.3.c)Missing translation:Brute Force Protection

My italian translation:Protezione forza bruta

1.3.1.c)Missing translation:Block unauthorized users from accessing your computer remotely over the Internet

My italian translation:Impedisci agli utenti non autorizzati di accedere al tuo computer in remoto tramite Internet

1.3.2.c)Missing translation:If your Windows computer is connected to the Internet and you have Remote Desktop Protocol (RPD) turned on, hackers can try to access it remotely by guessing your username and password. This is called a brute force attack.

My italian translation:Se il tuo computer Window è connesso a Internet e hai attivato Remote Desktop Protocol (RPD), gli hacker possono provare ad accedervi in remoto indovinando il nome utente e la password. Questo si chiama attacco di forza bruta”.

1.4)Missing translation:Security Advisor

My italian translation:Consulente per la sicurezza

1.4.1.a)Missing translation:Your device is not fully protected

My italian translation:Il tuo dispositivo non è completamente protetto

1.4.1.b)Missing translation:To improve your security, we recommend the following changes.

My italian translation:Per migliorare la tua sicurezza, ti consigliamo le seguenti modifiche.

1.4.2.a)Missing translation: Web Protection is turned off.

My italian translation:La protezione web è disattivata.

1.4.2.b)Missing translation:Malware Protection is turned off.

My italian translation:La protezione da malware è disattivata.

1.4.2.c)Missing translation:Ransomware Protection is turned off.

My italian translation:La protezione da Ransomware è disattivata.

1.4.2.d)Missing translation:Exploit Protection is turned off.

My italian translation: La protezione contro exploit è disattivata.

1.4.3)Missing translation:Device scans

My italian translation:Scansioni del dispositivo

1.4.3.a)Missing translation:No future scans scheduled.

My italian translation:Nessuna scansione futura pianificata.

1.4.3.b)Missing translation:Schedule a scan

My italian translation:Pianifica una scansione

1.4.4)Missing translation:Updates

My italian translation:Aggiornamenti

1.4.4.a)missing translation:Auto updates are turned on.

My italian translation:Gli aggiornamenti automatici sono attivati.



Image 1 => Tamper_Protection_General.jpg.aa636de99375272b28e8e7f6487f666d.jpg

Image 2 => Scan_Reminder.jpg.c01223122996735f17b0ec64281e3e09.jpg

Image 3 => Brute_Force_Protection_version1.jpg.45b1572123b09def30b9054b7544a9fa.jpg

Image 4 => Tooltip_Brute_Force_Protection.jpg.b82ffb338b8cd66f10ea8a0cb0d8ec92.jpg

Image 5 => SecurityAdvisor.thumb.jpg.4c5136da0b7d4f5ea21421445b14dd54.jpg

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