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Is there an easy way sending suspicious files to malwarebytes?

What about a option sending quarantined files to Malwarebytes (for example right click and there is a option)?

Right now in quarantined items there is just a option for "restore", "delete" ...

What about a option, if Malwarebytes find´s a file using his Heuristic or AI, to verify that this file is not a false positive?

What about a suspicious file i want to send to Malwarebytes without getting a new forum account

(to keep it easy for people that don´t have a clou with a forum account, or don´t speak english)?


My intention is, to make it just more easy for people who are not as familiar with computer like you and me,(keep) using Malwarebytes.



here is still room for "submit a suspicious file"

- this could lead to hompage with some easy self-explanatory option´s (without any new account)

- this hompage has the same language that Malwarebytes is using - if i use Malwarebytes is german, i will get a german hompage for submitting my files

keep it easy and keep it simple ...  🙂🙂



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