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Malwarebytes requires a Microsoft security update for latest version

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I too am like murph but he appears to understand the changes. At age 75 I'm not a techie type, am just happy to be able to work on Ancestry, browse a bit and get my email. After the first update notice 6-1 I tried to get a the update for my Win 7. I know I have 64 bit, am pretty sure I have Sp1, picked one I thought would work and pop up said I can't install it. Don't understand 'Malwarebytes Legacy download'

No finger pointing for me, MBAM people are doing only what M$ says to do - and I do not trust M$.  My MBAM seems to be working ok except the pop up saying I need to get a TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2
Looks like either I get a new 'puter or live with a program(s) that don't like each other. Sad there's not an easier way to fix this for dummies like me.

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  • Root Admin

Hello @vjdemitchell

Do you have a friend or relative that might be able to assist you with computer issues? You can update a current Windows 7 computer to be compatible, but it still not as safe and secure as Windows 10

True, it would be better to buy a new computer that already has Windows 10 on it but many people cannot afford. You can even upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free if wanted.

It's not all that difficult, just need to take your time and follow the provided directions.


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