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FBI Director Compares Ransomware Challenge to 9/11.


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  • Root Admin

Not the exact same article but this one is not behind a pay wall. Please keep that in mind when or if posting articles. No one cares much about sources these days if  you have to pay to read.



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  • Root Admin

I believe it's based on views per day ? Not sure, I hear you though as sometimes it does allow you. Just keep in mind ALL of the outlets from the Times and Wall Street Journal are not always FREE to read. Hit or miss so I try not to use them. Too many resources these days to play that game in my opinion.


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  • Root Admin
1 minute ago, David H. Lipman said:

But...  not all of them are credible nor authoritative.

No doubt, I have to believe that 98% of ALL NEWS resources in America either omit information on purpose, out right lie, twist the truth, etc. on both sides of the political isle. It really is a nightmare. There has always been a certain amount of bias in all news going back as far as you want in history, but not on the scale it is today. Before, most tried to tell the truth or dig up the truth. Today not a single news source in America is trustworthy and one has to cross reference and check multiple other sources to verify. It really shouldn't be that way but it is. We live in a world of lies from the media.



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19 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

...Today not a single news source in America is trustworthy and one has to cross reference and check multiple other sources to verify. It really shouldn't be that way but it is. We live in a world of lies from the media.

They exist.  They have been "here" and are still here.  However they should not be lumped together with wannabees, Fly By Nights and Johnny Come Lately web sites.  Just because some "entity" creates a web site does not mean they are News Media.  One must look at past events and past reporting and then look at those past reporting events for accuracy and details with the forethought that hindsight is 20/20 to justify a respect of their information.  Unfortunately there is a greater propensity of misinformation and disinformation from so-called free sites as opposed to those who charge a subscription.  After all it is the misinformation that is the product and why it is free.  It is real investigative journalism that costs money and is thus passed on to the consumer.

{ **That's enough from me, as I don't want to veer OT }

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  • Root Admin

Sorry I'll agree to disagree David. ALL and I do mean ALL well known and in business for 100 years, are telling lies and twisting the truth to push a political narrative. Not that every single story they tell is a lie but enough that it is disgusting and taints the other many stories that are valid.

If you feel otherwise that's your prerogative 


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