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Browser Guard preventing download of our software. False Positive


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Our customers are contacting us due to the inability to download our software.   All of our software has been virus free/adware free since 1993.   I created a support Ticket 2/3 days ago and only received an acknowledgement of the ticket being submitted.   here is one such error from one of our sites.   Downloads are from saltybrine.com, foldermatch.com and folderClone.com .  We need to have this false positive corrected as we have loyal and new customers awaiting their program.   Thank you.


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This was brought to my attention before you posted it (someone watching new member logins). I have fixed and verified downloads for FolderMatch and FolderClone.  I have also added whitelist entries for Doppelganger and HTML Match, but they are being blocked by Chrome.  You will need to either begin using an HTTPS certificate, or tell your prospective users to not use Chrome and choose Firefox instead.  I think I would go with option #1.  For reference, browser vendors are actively moving towards blocking of HTTP content in favor of HTTPS.  It will likely only get worse in the future, but it is better for security purposes.

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13 minutes ago, gonzo said:

For reference, browser vendors are actively moving towards blocking of HTTP content in favor of HTTPS.  It will likely only get worse in the future, but it is better for security purposes.

There is already the option in Firefox but for now not on by default. Chrome is on by default.



Edited by Porthos
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