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Welcome to Malwarebytes Privacy for Android


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We are pleased to announce the availability of Malwarebytes Privacy for Android!

Malwarebytes Privacy for Android is a next-gen VPN app designed to protect your privacy. With a flip of a switch, your personal information is protected against interception when you're online. It has been launched initially in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. It will be added to other stores in the future, once translations have been completed.

You can start a trial and purchase a subscription to the VPN in the Android app directly. If you already have a license key for the Mac or Windows versions of our Privacy app, you can use a license key to activate. In the future, you will also be able to use the Malwarebytes account that is associated with the e-mail address you used to purchase the key to activate by logging in to the Android app.

To download the app, visit the Google Play page for Malwarebytes Privacy:


For more information about the software, see:


Since this is a privacy-focused app, we do not collect any data from the app other than that which is required to connect to the VPN, validate your license, or check for updates to the software. If you log in using a Malwarebytes account, you will be providing us with your e-mail address, but keep in mind this address is one that would already be in our system. If not, Apple's App Store does not provide us with any information about you. For more information on data collection, see:


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