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Malwarebytes 4.4 - Scanning Speed compared to Version 4.3

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After installing Version 4.4 I did ran a couple scans, noticing that the scan seems to stumpel upon a few files.

At a certain point the Scan stucks for 5-6 Seconds - counting the Seconds but not the files anymore.

It most often happens during the Scanning of the memory.



This option makes a difference,


Chosing "Manual scans take priority over other applications" leads to the above behavior.

Chosing the less performance impact - the above behavior seems not to exist.

Once this behavior occurs the cpu impact reduces from almost 95% to 25% - waiting this 5-6 Seconds and than the cpu impact goes up again.

Right now, this happens twice during the scan.




I downloaded the Malwarebytes Support-Tool and did a cleaning, rebootet and reinstalled Version 4.4

The Scan speeded up just a little bit, but it still stucks on some files for 5-6 Seconds.

I did the same reinstall procedure after installing the new windows 10 Update - still, there is no change.

On Version 4.3 this the scan was about 10 Seconds faster.














Edited by FetzBox22
some behavior I noticed
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  • FetzBox22 changed the title to Malwarebytes 4.4 - Scanning Speed compared to Version 4.3
On 5/25/2021 at 7:40 AM, FetzBox22 said:

This option makes a difference,


Chosing "Manual scans take priority over other applications" leads to the above behavior.

Chosing the less performance impact - the above behavior seems not to exist.

When doing a manual scan, it is assumed you have nothing else going on at the same time, and should not.

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