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Cannot connect to a Japanese radio stream.


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I have a slightly strange problem.  I have set Privacy VPN to Japan and an IP check shows it is appearing in Tokyo.

However, when I try to connect with a radio station in Osaka, I gives me a warning message;

Radiko is a domestic-only service, so you cannot listen to the radio from the location you are currently accessing.

This application program is released for use in Japan only and is not be used in any other country

and refuses to stream out.

Is this just one of those things? Any guidance will be greatly appreciated!


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Many thanks for the speedy response, much appreciated!

Stop Press:  I have just cleared all caches and it seems the service is even more cute.  It is actually blocking anything out-of-area within Japan.  The only way I can access is via a VPN node in Osaka and thereby appearing 'local' !   Too clever for their own good! Arrgh!

So unless the decision is taken to operate a node there in the future, we are going to have to write this one off as bad luck! Hey ho....


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