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Malwarebytes blocking some sites while downloading Enlisted


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Hey, I'd like to ask if this is something I should be concerned about. Enlisted is a game from the same creators as War Thunder (Gajin). In case of both games Malwarebytes detects something when downloading the game. It was said that it doesn't mean that there actually is any malware there but it is something connected to downloading, right? Is it the same with both games? 



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  • Root Admin

You can find Scan and Protection logs within the Malwarebytes 4 program in the following location




RTP stands for Real-Time Protection and is where automatic protection operations would normally be logged




If you click on the View option you should get something similar to the following with other options available.







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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

It is more than likely reaching out via P2P (Peer to Peer) networking to operate the game.

Can  you please close out of the game and then upload the launcher to https://virustotal.com and have them scan the file. The post back the link to the scan.

C: \ Users \ Miłosz \ AppData \ Local \ Enlisted \ launcher.exe

Thanks @Manaphy0220


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9 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Thanks. Yes, at this time I would assume it is a false positive. If you do reinstall the game and continue to run into the issue though let us know and we can submit it to our Research Team

Is there anything else I can assist  you with then at this time @Manaphy0220

I think that Malwarebytes will be blocking something when Enlisted downloads a patch (it's the same for War Thunder). Should I assume that it is a false positive? The information about block appears only if WT or Enlisted download something and scans after the downloading process don't detect anything.

Edited by Manaphy0220
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I will add this about current games.

It must be due to some server(s) the games are trying to connect to. Steam and many others use p2p connections to play online. As long as the games aren't at risk for connecting to malicious content (which they shouldn't be), you should be able to simply exclude the games' executables from Web Protection using the method described under the Allow an application to connect to the Internet section of this support article.

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Just now, Porthos said:

I will add this about current games.

It must be due to some server(s) the games are trying to connect to. Steam and many others use p2p connections to play online. As long as the games aren't at risk for connecting to malicious content (which they shouldn't be), you should be able to simply exclude the games' executables from Web Protection using the method described under the Allow an application to connect to the Internet section of this support article.


Thank You.  It is not a problem because even if MB block something, the download still works. I don't have to add it to excludes so if this is a false positive then everything works fine without doing anything.

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3 minutes ago, Manaphy0220 said:

Thank You.  It is not a problem because even if MB block something, the download still works. I don't have to add it to excludes so if this is a false positive then everything works fine without doing anything.

You can also add the games to play mode.



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