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False positives on BF Games


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MalwareBytes gave two malware notifications of games I have played many times without MalwareBytes flagging them. That's why I think they are false positives. 

Upon googling I came upon an article saying how I can report this to support. 

The games being flagged are: Legendary Tales - Stolen Life CE and Fairy Godmother Stories - Dark Deal

I've included the .txt files. I hope someone can help me with this. Thank you. 

False Positive - Fairy Godmother Stories - Dark Deal.txt False Positive - Legendary Tales - Stolen Life CE.txt

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Hi Atribune, I have included two exe files of the same game because I am not sure which one it is. How the file is called in MalwareBytes is not the same as how it's called in the installation directory. But the false positive is an .exe. Therefore I have included both files that could be used to start the game. After reinstalling the game, I could launch it again without troubles. 

If more Big Fish game files follow, should I report them again? 

Thank you for your help. 

Fairy Godmother Stories Dark Deal exe.rar

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