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We're excited to announce the beta for Malwarebytes for Mac 4.9, which is now fully Universal - meaning, it's got both Intel and M1 code! If you're running an M1 Mac, please help us test and give us feedback on how the beta is working for you.

To install the beta, simply do the following:

  1. Open the Malwarebytes app
  2. Open the settings, by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner of the Malwarebytes window
  3. Select the General tab, if necessary
  4. Check the Beta Application Updates box, and verify that you really do want to turn that on
  5. Choose Check for Updates from the Malwarebytes menu, and install the update
Edited by AdvancedSetup
corrected font issue
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Installed now

Performed some tests (Manual Scan, Mac Reboot and Manual Scan again) and for the moment no problem (except the usual High Energy Consumption of MALWAREBYTES PROTECTION in the battery icon menu, it does not seem too low even in activity monitoring being in second place after Safari, it didn't happen on Catalina)

We will see in the next few days, in case I will update the post.

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