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One of our driver installers has been marked as malicious when we scan the file using VirusTotal.com. We have been using the same installer for some time now and are fully confident this is a FP.

When using VirusTotal, it reports that MalwareBytes has flagged it with "Malware.Heuristic.1001". I went ahead and installed a copy of your AV software so that I could generate a log for this, however when scanning through MalwareBytes it tells me the file is clean.

We would very much appreciate if you could assist in verifying this is indeed a false positive and getting it removed as soon as possible. I have included a .zip of our installer as well as a link

VT Results: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/eec26243ec09ec889135786384b6fc3d3fba3badad2b8120f8cb9741c1e29168/detection

Link to our driver: https://www.labeltac.com/content/drivers/LabelTac-Driver-Universal.exe



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Thank you Shadowwar!!

That is so odd, I scanned it probably 10 times since yesterday but I can confirm it is no longer listed. I did reach out to SecureAge APEX so I wonder if that was part of the issue.

I appreciate your assistance either way, please stay safe out there.

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