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Removing Cloudnet Virus that Keeps Coming

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So I started a scan with Malwarebytes to my computer and I found a trojan virus called Cloudnet from Epicnet Inc. I dont really remember what kind of programs that I installed so I get such virus, but when look up to this forum right here:
How to remove cloudnet epicnet virus that keeps returning - Resolved Malware Removal Logs - Malwarebytes Forums
I find that I've also installed Smadav program that could be a problem in that forum, so what do I have to do? Should I just straight in uninstall the Smadav or what? Every help would be appreciated, thank you!
I've also attached malwarebytes log and farbar recovery tool.

malwarebytes log.txt

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Hello :welcome:

My name is Maurice.

The Cloudnet (Epicnet ) is more like an adwares.

Let's do this.

Let me suggest you do one scan with Adwcleaner to check for adwares.


First download & save it 



Then do a scan with Adwcleaner 



Attach the clean log.

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P.S. After all the above,

i will need some other reports as well.

Please download MBST support tool


Once you start it click Advanced > Gather Logs


Attach a zip archive once it is done. Attach the mbst-grab-results.zip from the Desktop.

Thank you.

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