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False Positive - Alchemer

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My name is Calum Johnson and I am a Technical Support Representative and on the Anti-Phishing for Alchemer.

We are an online survey company that sends email campaigns and provides survey links on behalf of our customers.      One of our customers who uses you is reporting that a lot of their links are not working because our domains: app.alchemer-ca.com, .i.alchemerca.com, https://app.alchemer.com appear to be calculated as false positives on your site.

In cases where we detect a dirty email list we notify the customer, and for any repeat instances we remove their email privileges. We also shut down any account associated with phishing that was created illegally.

We do everything we can to communicate proper double opt in protocols to our customers and will continue to do so. We respond to any bbl in a timely manner and are working on improving our response time as we move forward.     

Thank you for removing our domain!


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Hello Calum,

I think it's being flagged due to this path. Does it belong? 


This one too:




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Thanks so much for sending those over!

I was able to track down the source of those phishing links and shut down the accounts associated. This will stop them from creating more phishing surveys and also purged all of the data that's been collected. 

Could you let me know when we're no longer flagged? Thank you!



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25 minutes ago, CalumJohnson said:

Hello thisisu,


Could you please let me know if you're still flagging our domains? I have Alchemer users reporting they're running into more security errors and I want to make sure the flagging isn't coming from here.


Thank you!

From just me going to those links you posted, there are no blocks.

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Funny you should ask.  (Sorry...weird day so far).  The phishing block is being removed.  Please allow 2-4 hours for changes to take effect.  A reputation block that would have remained has been proactively removed so that once the phishing block is lifted, you will be in good shape.

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54 minutes ago, CalumJohnson said:


Would you mind checking again? This link and the account associated has been shut down and the data has been purged!

Thank you!

Hi, sorry about the delay. Remaining blocks have been removed. Once a database update goes out you should no longer see the detection.

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