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False positive Malware.AI.4144071842 (C:\Windows\Installer\11B4E.MSI) ?

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Hello, I think I may have found a false positive., which popped up in a scan earlier today.  I don't recognize the file but the file date is from before I bought this laptop brand new in a computer shop. All previous scans (including yesterday's) have been clean. I haven't installed any new software since then, nor have I (knowingly) downloaded unknown files . Therefore I suspect it is a false positive. Please see the enclosed pictures.

Can you please tell me if this is indeed a false positive.

I wanted to follow your instructions for reporting a potential false positive, but stumbled on the first step: when I try to run mbam.exe /developer all I get is an error on screen that mbam.exe does not exist. But both my Windows10 OS and MBAM Premium are in Dutch. If you can tell me what the correct Dutch version is for mbam.exe / developer, I will try again. (It's not /ontwikkelaar , which resulted in the same error screen).

I did get a (Dutch) type of log file from MBAM itself which I include just in case. I also included the flagged file. (Apparently I can't prevent MBAM anymore from deleting the file from quarantaine, so I have also made a copy of the MSI file on an external drive for safe keeping.)


Thank you in advance for your help!

MBAM - potentiele false positive op 09 mei 2021 - deel 1.JPG

MBAM - potentiele false positive op 09 mei 2021 - deel 2.JPG

Export log van MBAM over bestand uit potentiele false positive 09 mei 2021.txt 11b4e.zip

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