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Com Surrogate thumbnail cache class factory - windows 10

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Windows 10 Machine, version: 20H2, build: 19042.964, experience pack: Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.2020.0

"dllhost.exe is running Com Surrogate thumbnail cache class factory for Out of Proc Server" is running away.  

Part of my experience is that icons for .jpg, .mp3, and other files are missing or, when I try to open one of those files the explorer freezes.  Right click and it freezes.  I have removed ALL of my disks except my OS disk and performed scans, both with malwarebytes and with McAfee, they've found nothing so far.  I have an ASRock H370 Pro4 motherboard with an M2 1TB WDBlue SSD.  I also have mirrored (in hardware) 4TB and 3TB drives, plus a spare 3TB drive, a removeable storage bay, and a dvd writer (this all requires an additional 2-port sata controller).

I have tried the "clear your thumbnail cache ~trick~", but that did not seem to help.  

When I add ONE drive (from a mirror) at a time, it seems to work OK, but when I start adding a Mirrored set, the problem seems to return.

Most of the time, when I open explorer to the "This PC" view (which i have as the default view), the "This PC" bar begins the green progress bar as it does <what?>  .. but it never finishes.

That COM Surrogate process uses about 21% of the cpu all the time once it is launched.

I am considering breaking the mirrors into Windows 10 mirrors rather than hardware mirrors, as I suspect the sata hardware controlled might be bad.  I really dont want to get a new motherboard.

Any advice you might have would be wonderful.

Note that the machine runs perfectly fine otherwise.


Addition.txt FRST.txt

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  • Root Admin

Hello @DaveNH

"dllhost.exe is running Com Surrogate thumbnail cache class factory for Out of Proc Server" is running away.  


What program is showing that or where do you see it?


Have you seen the following web page



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