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Online order process fails when Browser Guard active

John A
Go to solution Solved by gonzo,

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Microsoft Edge, Browser Guard active

Attempted an online order for household items. Checkout details were correct yet the payment section kicked me back to the checkout details saying that details were missing.  Tried twice more, same result. 

Decided to try again with Browser Guard turned off.  That fixed it, worked fine.

I that sort of behaviour to be expected?

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I obviously cannot witness the failure myself without making a purchase, so I must throw a bit of theory at you.  Some commercial websites have trackers interwoven into their purchase/review process so tightly that Browser Guard can interfere with one or both.  You could send me a debug log and I can look through and make recommendations, or you can do what I will show you here (with the expectation it will take care of the problem).  I have attached a screenshot, which is what you would see if you click on the Browser Guard icon in your browser.

It shows four trackers that were blocked when on the site you went to.  There may be more when completing a purchase...maybe not...its hard to tell without doing it.  I have highlighted a setting on the left, which allows you to turn off tracker protection on that website only. Set that slider to the OFF position and see if the problem goes away.  I think it will.


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