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False Positive Kobo Destop App?


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Good afternoon,

I can't attach a report log as I'm not getting this by running a report.  Since Thursday, when I have tried to open the Kobo e-reader desktop app for Windows, I have received a Malwarebytes popup that it doesn't like it, Malwarebytes has quarantined a thing and my Kobo App won't open.
Kobo App error message is "This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows".  Available platform plugins are: windows. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."
Reinstalling doesn't fix it, and adds repeats to your detections.  I've been using this app for years and it has never been an issue before, hence why I think it is a false positive.

Your detection history says that the Event is an RTP Detection, the Event details are Malware Heuristic.1001, and I have tried to export the report of it for you and attach it.

If you could fix it and make my computer go back to working normally again, I'd very much appreciate it, thank you.

Also, your "create an account" process to report these is  not user friendly.  It would not accept the idea that Venus was the second planet from the sun - I think it needed venus instead, but then continued to ask me to verify and reverify several times simply because it didn't like my password choice (which did meet stated parameters) until I provided an alternative that it felt was strong enough, but did not tell me that password strength was the issue, just kept asking me to verify.


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