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I have MB and MB Windows Firewall Control (MBWFC) installed.

I have two rules that allow DHCP to In / Out with no restraint.

When I look at the log in MBWFC it shows that DHCP IN is blocked. 

I go to MB and set an IP address to allow DHCP IN.

Later, looking at the log I see another IP address blocked.

The source IP is

I have unblocked two Destination IPs. and

I have a feeling that I could be allowing IP addresses to be unblocked in MB for quite awhile.

I have no problems with the internet - everything is working.

I am curious to know if I am creating myself a problem or if I even have a problem.

I understand that IP addresses from - are local addresses and not accessible from the internet. 

I am using a VPN.




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I didn't see this as a MB Windows Firewall Control issue.  All the firewall is doing is reporting what's happening.  I'm not blocking DHCP on MB WFC. The variable is MB. When I allow an IP address on MB the firewall no longer reports the IP as blocked.  It reports it as allowed. 

My question is why is MB blocking a IP address that should be a private address.  

Or am I missing something?

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