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Now wit TLD block off by default... worth turn on it?


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I did turn on TLD block for a while, and as I suspected, still block some download sites using .xyz and .info and .biz

But my question is, due this option is off by default (something wanted by users), worth turn on this option and eventually report blocked sites due TLD?

or even at Malwarebytes side, worth have blocked TLDs if users have that option off then no need to report blocked sites?

Yes, I know this thread is somehow a continuation of the thread than made you create the option to turn on/off TLD blocks and turned off by default, but I still think the best option to was than you stop to block TLD instead put an option and turn off by dfefault. You see, since 2.2.20 nobody report sites blocked due TLD but if you turn on it, seem that lack of reports, cause nothing changes

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I personally have it turned on. I don’t think it’s bothersome at all or evasive. People will however have different opinions especially those who are novice and may find it difficult to even find the simplest of settings. I think it’s a great option to have sure you might get some false positives..... but one things for sure. MB right now I think has one of the best web protection services available.

Edited by brad03
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