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MB4 BSOD Netio.sys

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I have the same problem with netio.sys but I use ProtonVPN instead of PIA. Does the issue arise from openvpn (which I think is also used in ProtonVPN in addition to PIA)? Is there a known workaround for ProtonVPN as there is for PIA?

Also I noticed that using the browser extension of malwarebytes protected me from a website with a trojan. What I wanted to know is, since I currently have the web protection shield disabled due to netio.sys BSOD, can the browser extension completely substitute the disabled web protection shield of Malwarebytes? The extension does not produce any BSODs, but to which degree does it protect when compared to the shield of the main app?

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Malwarebytes Browser Guard, the browser extension, will provide the same protection for the web browser it is installed in, however it will not guard the entire system and all connections the way that the Web Protection component in Malwarebytes Premium does since it is installed within the browser itself instead of being installed directly in the network stack (the Web Protection in Premium runs at the same level of the network stack as the built in Windows Firewall itself).

So basically, it will provide the same level protection for your browser, but it won't guard the other processes on the system and won't guard against incoming connections attempting to reach your PC, though such threats are far less common than those which are encountered through your web browser.

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I am the OP from above, Gian88. My MB forum was perma-banned from posting (again) due to merely forgetting to close my VPN before posting. This is probably my 10th MB forum account due to this same reason but this is not what I am here to say. I am pasting below my original message about the BSOD:


This is a production machine and I cannot keep the shield enabled hoping for a BSOD so that I can provide logs (I also formatted windows so I don't have old logs anymore). I would do it happily if the situation was different. Anyway, enough users have posted logs and other files and it looks like I am in the category of those affected by the openVPN incompatibility (not using PIA but using ProtonVPN which is also related to OpenVPN).

It seems Malwarebytes has made itself incompatible with even more software that was just working absolutely fine for a very long time. This is very unfortunate. I now have to keep a shield disabled because you "upgraded" it in an incompatible way, meaning your upgrade effectively changed my web protection to zero since I am now forced to keep it disabled. If impossible to make it compatible I suggest reverting that upgrade back so that at least we can enable the shield again.

By the way, this is the second shield I have to keep disabled (after the ransomware shield since last year). I am running out of shields here, I assume you know what this means.

But if you want to help solve this you could easily test ProtonVPN-related netio.sys BSODs on a test machine with some artificially-initiated web traffic, it is very likely to BSOD within a few hours max.

Can I keep my hopes up that you will test this?


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Hello again,

If you can post the logs requested by AdvancedSetup above, it may help the team to troubleshoot the issue further.  It is not necessary to re-enable Web Protection to do so.  Instructions for doing so may be found below if needed:

  1. Download and run the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  2. Accept the EULA and click Advanced tab on the left (not Start Repair)
  3. Click the Gather Logs button, and once it completes, attach the zip file it creates on your desktop to your next reply

I do apologize for the issues you've experienced and I am hopeful that this BSOD will be corrected soon as many others have been over the past several releases.

Thank you again for reporting this issue to us.

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I will see what I can do to gather new logs after a netio.sys BSOD (the old logs unfortunately are gone as I formatted that machine).

Could you please let me know what kind of private data could potentially leak in these logs? Like passwords, files, code/text samples or anything else private beyond file names/paths?

I will provide the logs via private ticket after your reply as soon as I have them.


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It doesn't contain any passwords or personal info like that, however it will show the username of the user accounts in Windows, so if you used your actual name it will show that.  That said, only authorized staff and vetted helpers are allowed to download attachments in this part of the forums so no visitors or regular members would have access to your logs.

With that said, if you would instead prefer to submit them privately directly to Malwarebytes Support you may do so using the support helpdesk by creating a support ticket through the web form on this page.  Simply inform them of the BSOD issue you're helping to troubleshoot and provide them a link to this thread along with the ZIP file containing the logs from the Support Tool and they will be able to get them to the QA and Dev teams for analysis.

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