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Office Max PC Protection

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I'm a little confused and hopefully someone can help me out. I bought Office Max's PC Protection. On the cover it says that it provides you with the most updated version of a commercial grade anti-virus and anti-spywayre suite. When I set it up the technician downloaded Malwarebytes. The way I understand it is that this does not actually protect against viruses and that an anti-virus program still needs to be used. Which would defeat the purpose of why I bought this. I'm sure Malwarebytes is a great program, but PC Protection was sold to me with the understanding that it would be the only protection I needed, so I want to make sure I'm getting what I actually paid for. Thank you!

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  • Root Admin

Hello DrummerGirl

Well you're correct. Malwarebytes is not an Anti-Virus program and you do need a real Anti-Virus program. Also MBAM is free for scanning and we offer a paid version that adds real time protection, automated updates and scanning to add to the security that Anti-Virus offers. Often Anti-Virus is just not up to the task of detecting and removing brand new Malware that is out there and that is where the paid version of MBAM can help out.

As for Anti-Virus, probably the most often recommended ones here are Avira, Avast, ESET NOD32, and Kaspersky

Please take a look at this posting which is geared for users that have already been infected before but it has good information to help keep you from becoming infected.

So how did I get infected in the first place?

So if you paid for it and you only got MBAM free then you paid for something you should not have paid for and you should get your money back. You should have an ID and KEY for the program if you paid for it.

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