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Mouse moving on its own.

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Hello everyone.
I have an issue with my mouse that i find very particular. While i was watching my second monitor, i noticed my mouse (which was in the first one) moved on his own. I thought it was my imagination, so i ignored it, but after i got up and went back i realized it moved again. A perfect distance (or almost) of 1cm (both times) vertically. I recorded the screen for 20 mins but it didnt happen again. My mouse is 4 years old, ive always used it with no pad, and its drivers are not updated. It most likely is related to that. But i saw posts of malware possibly moving it, although i reset my pc 2 weeks ago and ive barely installed anything since. Checking online it doesn't look like anyone had a similar problem on the hardware side, and it doesn't look close to a malware situation either. Should i try with updated drivers ? MBAM scans and premium protection don't show anything, should i send FRST to be sure ?

Thanks anyone who would like to help.

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Wired or wireless mouse?
Does it happen if you use a different mouse?

I've seen old mouses start to 'drift' on their own when their onboard chips are going faulty, jumping could be a similar fault especially if it's only on one axis.

Edited by nukecad
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I've experienced this with many wired gaming mice.  The most typical cause was due to tension on the cord causing the mouse to drift slightly; almost imperceptibly, but enough for it to register as movement in Windows.  The extra slick pads on the bottom of gaming mice make this far more likely.  I actually use a vertical mouse now, and turn it on its side so that the optical sensor can't reflect off any surface to prevent unwanted movement during video streaming and when gaming with a controller to prevent this from happening.

You can perform a test by placing a coin or some other object underneath one side of the mouse or even directly under the optical sensor in the center to physically prevent it from being able to move, then test to see if the issue still occurs.  If it does, then it must be a software/driver/OS issue, and if it does not, then it must be that the mouse is shifting slightly when not being used.

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