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MBAMTRAY.EXE - Constant CPU spikes

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33 minutes ago, cchilderhose said:

With the latest beta

Is not a beta any longer.

It would help to have logs from this computer to see what is going on.

Can you please collect and upload as an attachment the diagnostic data using our MBST?

  • Download and run the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  • Accept the EULA and click Advanced tab on the left (not Start Repair)
  • Click the Gather Logs button, and once it completes, attach the zip file it creates on your desktop to your next reply
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All I see that sticks out is you need a restart.


Pending File Rename Operations


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@cchilderhose- could you please detail this for us a bit more?
What utility are you using to see this? TaskManager? How do you have it configured? Could you share a screenshot, please?
Does the spike release completely and then return, or is it cumulative?
Does this spike seem to occur once per minute, approximately?
Did you ever notice this behavior in Win10 20H2? Or just in the 21H1 build?

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51 minutes ago, tetonbob said:

@cchilderhose- could you please detail this for us a bit more?
What utility are you using to see this? TaskManager? How do you have it configured? Could you share a screenshot, please?
Does the spike release completely and then return, or is it cumulative?
Does this spike seem to occur once per minute, approximately?
Did you ever notice this behavior in Win10 20H2? Or just in the 21H1 build?

I am using Task Manager just to watch processes and it seems to stay up at the top most times. -- What screenshot do you want?  Task Manager?

It is cumulative.  It will move up and down the task list but always using CPU cycles.

The spike is at least once per minute if not more.  Hard to say for sure.

Did not notice this in 20H2 from what I can recall.  Just seems to be in the 21H1 build.  I do have another laptop that is on the Insider DEV Channel (21354) and it does not seem to happen there at all.

I am thinking about doing a clean install using the support utility to see if that improves things.

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Yes, TaskManager screenshot. I'm curious how you had it laid out where mbamtray was always on top.

I can reproduce this issue (on VMs and hardware), but in my testing the CPU usage always returns to 0 after the spike.

Further, I see a smaller but still consistent spike on any OS.

I've filed a defect for this to be investigated by the team. Any additional information you can provide will be appreciated.


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