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False Positives for: y-c.eu, your-consultant.eu, carabulea.net

Go to solution Solved by gonzo,

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I am reporting false positives by the Malwarebytes Browser Guard for Firefox. My domains are carabulea.net, your-consultant.eu, y-c.eu. These domains share the same address, and there is nothing bad on the respective server whatsoever.

Website blocked due to suspicious activity:

Website blocked: y-c.eu
Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this website because it may contain scam activity.
We strongly recommend you do not continue.

Website blocked: your-consultant.eu
Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this website because it may contain scam activity.
We strongly recommend you do not continue.

Website blocked: carabulea.net
Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this website because it may contain scam activity.
We strongly recommend you do not continue.


Hristian Carabulea


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  • Solution

The blocks were traced to (at least one instance of) unrequested audio player activity in your keyboard typing test.  I tried a few other highly suspect links but did not find anything else, not to say there were not any more instances of that.  We recently started blocking those, in keeping with the following Google policy change:


Google themselves has not begun to enforce that policy change, likely because most infractions are no more harmful to the world than yours.  In truth, most people who employ audio are simply trying to enhance the user experience, and most are very unlikely to understand what would be needed from them to comply with Google's new policy.  There are certain circumstances which are cause for blocks, and at the same time, we are reviewing how we do it.

The sites have been whitelisted. Please allow 15-30 minutes for changes to take effect.

  • Thanks 1
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Hi, gonzo. Thanks for the response with an actual solution. I read the google policy, and I will have to read it again and again. :D Not sure I understand it.

For example, the following page starts with an audio playing, but the user can pause it. Yet, Malwarebytes blocked this page as well. Please do take a look it at it if you have the time. https://hristian-carabulea.bitbucket.io/USSBowen.v2/

I guess, it would be better if it started with the audio not playing at all?!


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I did not get a block, so I stepped back one and tried all three versions you have available.  v0 and v1 both blocked.  v2 did not, nor did the audio play automatically though the audio player was visible.  Having audio available for the user is fine, but making that decision to click the play button for them is the problem.


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