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MBSETUP_OFFLINE.EXE Threat detected?


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I was playing a game and out of the blue, I got an alert from MB that the scan was completed (daily scan I guess) and that 1 threat was detected in C:\USERS\username\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\MBSETUP_OFFLINE.EXE and that it is Malware-AI https://blog.malwarebytes.com/detections/malware-ai/

Never had something like this pop up. How did this end up in my PC? Shouldn't the MB block this at the time of download? I didn't download anything recently. Could this be a false positive?

I attached the report in case it helps.




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7 minutes ago, nymphelav said:

attached the report in case it helps.

Good chance it is a FP due to the AI classification.

This post will be moved to the correct section. Please zip the following file here please. C:\USERS\username\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\MBSETUP_OFFLINE.EXE


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Hello and thank you for the reply.

Unfortunately I do not have the file anymore. I deleted it via MalwareBytes... I was more curious about where this file came from? Is this from Malwarebytes , could be an update, since it has MBSETUP name? Maybe the file was in my PC for a while and only now just detected.

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33 minutes ago, shadowwar said:

I would need the file to see why this happened. You can restore from quarantine the file and then zip and attach here. 


The problem is I quarantined the file and then I deleted it from the quarantine list. So it's not in my computer anymore I guess...

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8 minutes ago, shadowwar said:

No it wouldnt be. Quarantine is totally safe. Its recommend you leave stuff in quarantine at least a couple of weeks do to a false positive situation or the like. The files are totally disabled in quarantine and cant possibly run. 

Will keep that in mind for the future. Thanks for the help!

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