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False positive block for www.usalovelist.com

Go to solution Solved by JPopovic,

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Hi there,

I'd appreciate if someone could rescan and unblock https://www.usalovelist.com/office-furniture-made-usa-source-guide/ (or the domain in general; I'm not sure which is being blocked). This site belongs to a client of ours and some Malwarebytes users are reporting that it's being blocked "due to a hijacker".

I've run a variety of scans on the site and I don't see any signs of an exploit either on the site or within the HTML of that particular page.

If someone would be able to review and unblock that would be very helpful, as this is preventing our customer from being able to share her site with others.

Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide. As I don't have Malwarebytes installed myself, I can't share any logs/screenshots directly.

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