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Is Malwarebytes AI flagging files as malware more often?


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I had several users' files that have been flagged as Malware by AI. Luckily, these files are not crucial to our company's operations, however I get worried that one day it will quarantine important files. I have attached the Diagnostics logs from one of the users that had their files quarantined. Can someone please review and let me know what I can do to avoid these false positives. Or can you tell me how Malwarebytes classifies it as Malware so I know how to avoid it. I know Malwarebytes AI uses percentages to see how closely it resembles goodware, and if the percentage is low it will consider it malware, but I would like to know why these files are considered Malware. 


Thank you! 


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By going through reports I can see that only one file was detected. That file is now whitelisted and it will help fine tune our AI engine so it doesn't happen again in the future.

There's no precise answer how to avoid this to happen again, but digitally signing the file is a way to go, digitally signed files are falsely detected less by AI engines than unsigned files. Your file shared some resemblance with malicious files but this technology is still new and with more legit files that we come across the better detection will be and less False Positives.

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