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My website is flagged for suspicious activity.

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 This does not help me with customers who refuse to continue onto my website for a first time visit.  How can I fix my website so it is not flagged?

 is flagged by Malwarebytes as being



Edited by AdvancedSetup
corrected font issue and disabled live hyperlink
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I am at a login screen and have not encountered any form of block yet.  Please send a debug log immediately after the error occurs so that I can attempt to determine the cause of the failure.  You can find that in the Support Menu (available from the kebab menu in the upper right corner of the Browser Guard interface).

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Sorry about that. Should you never need to send a debug log in the future, creating a ZIP archive file will make the content smaller, and it is a valid file type to send.

Because scheduling a lesson seems to be required and because the logs cannot provide enough detail, can you tell me exactly what your site is doing when the suspicious activity block occurs? I would like to get this resolved as much as you would.

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Thank you for the screenshot.  It provided the information I needed.  The block was because of the two items that launched after the person hit the SUBMIT button.  They did not request those two items, and it was interpreted as a possibly malicious response to your student clicking the button.

Sorry it took this long to get this resolved.  I have whitelisted your site, and it should be working as intended now.

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