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The same problem again with Malwarebytes Privacy (third time). Things go well and then it simply refuses to connect to the internet. I have tried the BETA solution and that worked for a matter of weeks. I then had very major problems with my computer having a total breakdown. This was fixed by a very experienced computer repair facility which found that the problem was a conflict between Malwarebytes and Microsoft Word 2010 with Malwarebytes refusing to let Microsoft Word operate and treating it as a virus (which it isn't). The computer repair involved switching of that element of Malwarebytes which monitors internal computer elements linking to the internet. Malwarebytes Privacy continued to work fine and I had no issues whatsoever. Yesterday (and today) Malwarebytes Privacy is refusing to allow any internet connection to take place and therein lies the problem. I obviously don't want to return to having the major issues I had by reconfiguring Malwarebytes so as to enable the same Microsoft Word/computer problems I had before so could I please ask if anyone knows how to permanently fix the Malwarebytes Privacy connection issue? The only alternative would be to give up on it and find another VPN provider? Your help would be very much appreciated and I enclose mbst-grab-results


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Could you restart the computer.


Pending File Rename Operations

Pending Windows Update Reboot
A reboot is pending
Windows Update: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates|UpdateExeVolatile



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