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Legitimate site blocked due potential scam activity

Go to solution Solved by gonzo,

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To whom it may concern,

Our domain, http://www.trailblz.info has been blocked by your Malware Bytes Browser Guard, and we would like to request that it be removed from your suppression list.

The site is designed to host donation forms, web signups, and document storage for our customers.

As I have seen others provide you with a VirusTotal link, here is ours: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/e34812b05459f998ba2683d2b471a3ca6ec5a6c7c13e7fb8d889597d3eab7ad6/detection

I am also attaching a screenshot provided by one of our customers. They encountered this message when attempting to open a link to a pdf document stored in the site. The link had been shared through an email.

Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns, and if there is a better means to request removal.

Thank in advance.


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15 minutes ago, TBZ_Kevin said:

Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns, and if there is a better means to request removal.

You did the correct thing.

While we wait for staff. A note on Website blocked due to a suspicious top level domain (TLD)

Non-standard TLD's (biz/cc/info/xyz/online and so on) are commonly used for malicious purposes.  Malwarebytes err on the side of caution to assure that we are protecting our users. If our users encounter a block, they report it (as you did), it gets tested, and if it is determined to be safe, it gets whitelisted.

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