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I'm trying to update a computer that has been sitting inactive for a few months...

The current version of Rogue Remover Pro on this computer is: 1.15

The current database is 143

XP is the operating system.

When I click "Check for updates" I am automatically connected to the following address:


It says: "Page not found

Unfortunately that page could not be located."

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

Many thanks...

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I'm trying to update a computer that has been sitting inactive for a few months...

The current version of Rogue Remover Pro on this computer is: 1.15

The current database is 143

XP is the operating system.

When I click "Check for updates" I am automatically connected to the following address:


It says: "Page not found

Unfortunately that page could not be located."

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

Many thanks...

Hello TexasKat,

I don't believe there is a problem on your end.

I'm thinking that this is happening because the site has been updated and Marcin may have forgot to add the download to the link. :P

You can go here and use a mirrow download site to get the latest version and database update.

I will let Marcin know so he can fix the issue.

Thanks TexasKat

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