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Threat or False Positive??


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I need some help determining if I have a real threat.  Malwarebytes detected a small exe file associated with my free Philips DICOM viewer which is used to view medical images.  Windows Defender detects  no problem with the file.  The program was installed several years ago but I still use it. Here is the directory path where the file is located with the file information below:

C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Spoon\Sandbox\Philips Ultrasound DICOM Viewer\\local\stubexe\0xA7303EF4CD94B16C


Here is a link to some information I found on the web but the file it deals with is much larger so it can be the same file:


Malwarebytes wants me to quarantine the file but I'm afraid the program won't work if I do that so I want to make sure the threat is real.  Can you help?

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36 minutes ago, cli said:

Thanks for reporting, this will be fixed in 10 minutes.

Thanks for your prompt attention to this.  I deleted the notice without taking action and rescanned the file after Malwarebytes updated and the QVue.exe file now shows as no threat.  Thanks for solving this!

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