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Notification Before Scheduled Scan with Option to Delay


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So I find quite regularly that MWB starts scanning right in the middle of me doing something.  Everything will freeze up and I wont know what the heck is happening, and then ill see the scan finished notification.

I would REALLY appreciate getting a prompt say 15 mins before a scheduled scan, with the option to delay it for a few hours if im busy. 

Ive been using this software for over 5 years and this is really my only complaint. 



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I don't know about a warning/prompt, however you are free to reschedule your scans to take place at a different time if you prefer, or if you're like me and rely primarily on the more proactive real-time protection and browser security of tools like Malwarebytes Browser Guard and UBlock Origin, you can instead delete the scheduled scan and simply perform occasional Threat scans on demand as part of your regular system maintenance.  They generally only take a matter of minutes and should complete more quickly than the scheduled scans since they are geared more towards speed rather than multitasking (scheduled scans run as a low priority process in order to hopefully free up system resources to improve multitasking, though it sounds like they are hitting your system pretty hard based on your description of the situation; if you would like us to take a look and see if we might be able to help improve your system's overall performance just let us know).

Also keep in mind that the scheduler itself is extremely flexible and as long as you keep the real-time protection active, you really shouldn't need a daily scan (which is the default) and can instead modify the schedule so that it only occurs say, once a week, just to make sure the system hasn't picked up any threats.  Details on using the scheduler can be found in this support article and a video on using the scheduler can be viewed here.

With all that said, your feedback will be forwarded to the Product team for consideration, and if there is anything else we might help with please let us know.


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