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Hi to all,

I'm under Windows Vista SP2 and I have quite a curious issue.

I have a 0-bytes file named "vize20.exe." (do notice the "." ending", which I cannot delete. It says "Do you wish to delete..." and then Windows says that the specified file does not exist.

Any clues in how to fix this?

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Hi to all,

I'm under Windows Vista SP2 and I have quite a curious issue.

I have a 0-bytes file named "vize20.exe." (do notice the "." ending", which I cannot delete. It says "Do you wish to delete..." and then Windows says that the specified file does not exist.

Any clues in how to fix this?

Not sure that U can do this . Is it possible to rename the file and then delete it. Just a thought I had. Don't kno that u can rename exe files.

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Have you installed Vize? As for deleting it, Linux will work. Another alternative would be grabbing the full path to the file and creating a batch file (run as administrator since it's Vista) and deleting it that way, which would likely work.

Of course, you could also try FileASSASSIN in Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware under the More Tools tab :D .

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Yes, you can delete keys in the registry through regedit in Windows, but sometimes they're locked and aren't removed so easily. There are other tools that can be used for that as well, such as RegASSASSIN but on occasion they fail and an offline deletion becomes necessary. As for Linux, I don't have too much experience with using it offline, but there may well be tools for editing the registry of an offline Windows system that you can obtain, but I haven't heard of any. I know there are such tools for WinRE and BartPE though, and you can also do it from another installation of Windows using Regedit and loading the registry hive of the offline system into it.

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Yes, you can delete keys in the registry through regedit in Windows, but sometimes they're locked and aren't removed so easily. There are other tools that can be used for that as well, such as RegASSASSIN but on occasion they fail and an offline deletion becomes necessary. As for Linux, I don't have too much experience with using it offline, but there may well be tools for editing the registry of an offline Windows system that you can obtain, but I haven't heard of any. I know there are such tools for WinRE and BartPE though, and you can also do it from another installation of Windows using Regedit and loading the registry hive of the offline system into it.

what do you mean by a offline deletion becomes necessary? whats a offline deletion? i assume its not disconnecting the internet and then deleting

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No, it would be booting from another Windows installation and loading the registry from the system that isn't running (ie offline) and deleting a key that might otherwise be undeletable :) .

i see so if i have 2 internal hard drives and i boot from hdd B because hdd A has undeletable registry's will that work

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Hm. Finished downloading Ubuntu, burned it to a CD, verified integrity (all OK), but my PC did not want to boot from it. After you select "Try Ubuntu...", a blinking cursor appears, then the screen goes black and that's all.

Downloading Unlocker, let me see if it works...

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Wtf. If anyone knows the author of Unlocker, tell him he's created such a wonderful tool.

Right-clicking the file and selecting "Unlocker" did not work, as it was trying to open vize20.exe. But manually entering the path, "vize20.exe.", worked like a charm.

Regarding Ubuntu, it didn't want to run. :)

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