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So i went and installed MacAfee today and they warned me when i went onto a remote connection site (team viewer) as scammers use these apps to scam people. Would it be possible for Malwarebytes to do the same thing with browser guard or Malwarebytes? It would be beneficial to warn others of remote software.  

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I'm not sure if they will since they do have legitimate uses, however detecting them as PUP (Potentially Unwanted Programs) might be feasible, perhaps with details about the risks of tech support scams (something Malwarebytes Browser Guard already does very well at blocking, at least for the tech support scam sites and pop-ups).

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll be sure to pass it on to the Product team for consideration.  If you have any further feedback or suggestions please let us know.

Also, just for future reference, product suggestions for Malwarebytes can be posted here.

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Its not a detection of the product it's a warning from the site advisor itself when you go to a remote connection site. In my opinion every company should be doing this including Malwarebytes it's a great step forward.  see screenshot below.. 


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6 hours ago, brad03 said:

Maybe this would be more of a browser guard implement? anyway it would be very cool for it to display a message like this it would better help people make a decision...  

As a computer repair tech who relies on remote service a great deal that would be a huge inconvenience and make me look like a scammer.

Lucky I have my own paid remote support tool that I host on my own Amazon drive so I do not worry about that. Was just thinking about other legitimate service techs.

And yes, There are many scammers out there and funny thing the end users will believe anything they say and let them remote in anyway.

I get a few clients because of those scammers.

Edited by Porthos
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  • Root Admin

I can see both sides of the coin. There are users that do get scammed quite often. But, as a legitimate support company I do agree that it could hamper your efforts in trying to assist a customer with what is already sometimes a very difficult process to get done. Unless you do remote support often, you don't realize how difficult it is for some users to actually download or run software that for most seems very easy. I've spent over 30 minutes before trying to walk some customers through getting connected.

Thank you for  the suggestion @brad03 I think it has merits but the use and delivery as well as wording would be critical.


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