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My Malwarebytes cannot process a scan since a power break yesterday afternoon. I have tried to reinstall it and reboot the machine. Nothing fixed it. 

This is a Windows machine and the error in event view is like:

ERROR ThreatScanCommand Exception running scan.
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: mb3 host
   at EAMB3Cmd.Commands.ScanCmd.Start(IEAMB3Host mb3Host, CancellationToken cancelToken, CommandContext context)
   at EAMB3Cmd.Commands.ThreatScanCommand.Execute()

May I ask how can I fix the problem? 


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It's possible that the power outage caused the system's registry to become corrupt.  Please see if creating a new user account on the machine, then installing Malwarebytes in the new user account allows it to complete scanning.  If it does not, please contact Malwarebytes Business Support via the form on this page and they can troubleshoot the issue further with you.

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1 hour ago, exile360 said:


It's possible that the power outage caused the system's registry to become corrupt.  Please see if creating a new user account on the machine, then installing Malwarebytes in the new user account allows it to complete scanning.  If it does not, please contact Malwarebytes Business Support via the form on this page and they can troubleshoot the issue further with you.

Thanks. I have created a support issue.

BTW, one of my teammate is having the same problem and he did not have power outage.

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