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Running Endpoint Security for Business off of their new cloud platform. We did an update last night to the latest release.
Currently we are at and the Printers are going offline constantly on random PCs at the office.

To resolve the issue temporarily, we Restart the Printer Spool service and it works. But sometimes it temporarily and not a permanent fix.

We need an updated version from Malwarebytes with a legit fix.

We are on the cloud Nebula platform. How can we upgrade to the beta that apparently has the fix?

Agent Information  
Endpoint Protection:
Endpoint Protection Protection Update: 1.0.32486
Protection Service Version:
Component Package Version: 1.0.1085
Asset Manager:
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We're also waiting on a fix.  I had submitted a ticket about a week ago and followed up yesterday, no word yet on when the fix is getting pushed out to us. You can also create a group with web protection turned off and move the affected computers there. Sometimes for us rebooting print spooler only worked for the first print and moving it to this other group is the only current fix that Malwarebytes has suggested. Would have been nice for them to push the fix to business first instead of consumers...

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If this is the same issue experienced with the consumer version (which I suspect it is), disabling SNMP for your printers should allow them to function with Web Protection enabled if you're seeking a workaround that allows you to keep Web Protection active, at least until this issue has been addressed in the software.

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  • Root Admin

Hello @Flyers2020

I have moved many of your posts into the Business section of the forums as you are using a different product than the Consumer version you were posting in.

Have you opened a support ticket for this issue? I'll see if I can get an Agent to reach out.

Thank you


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  • Root Admin

For some quick things we try to, but this is a bit more involved as you're also reporting performance issues @Flyers2020 so it's best you get a support agent to assist you directly.

Once you have a ticket number let me know and I'll ping to see if someone can get to you a bit quicker than the normal wait time.


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