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False Positive?


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Malwarebytes Browser Guard is reporting a block of a JS script on this anime image board.


It counts it as malware, oddly enough it didn't do that a few days ago, I used this site for years and I have never seen any problems with it, but better make sure here.

The js script in question it's blocking:


Accessing the site itself ain't a problem though

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Its good that you are cautious.  I wish more users were.  What exactly were you doing that triggered the detection?

If you are receiving a notification at the bottom of your screen, that is Malwarebytes Premium doing the detection.  If you are getting a full page block that refers to Browser Guard, please attach a screenshot. I have checked the file URL you provided in VirusTotal, and it looks okay.  I need to do my best to confirm a detection to know best what needs to be done from my end.


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No full block preventing me from accessing the site, it's the malwarebytes extension telling me that the side is loading a malicious javascript.

Oddly enough, it doesn't detect it anymore, I just checked myself, but before it really hated the javascript that got loaded.


That's weird... I guess it was just the browser guard acting up?



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Also to give you some more idea, I tried to replicate how it looked before (in form of a screenshot) when it detected the javascript.

It basically would let me access the site just like normal, that's why I didn't even notice anything out of the ordinary until I checked by browser guard statistics and saw that It blocked 240 malware scripts/files, and then figures, I went back to check every last sites I visited and saw that danbooru got its javascript detected.

tl;dr Site seemed to function just as normally, browser guard detected js-agent.newrelic as malware


(To avoid confusion, this screenshot is fake to replicate how it used to look like when I loaded the site)


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